Working with us

Headwaters works with our clients on a retainer basis, building a long-term rhythm that meets the needs of each. While each client is different, core elements of the experience are common.

Biotech Headwater

The Himachal Pradesh, India

Advising Sessions

These regularly scheduled sessions are designed to provide you with regular opportunities to test ideas, seek feedback or discuss urgent business issues with your advisor. As advisors, we work to track any relevant issues and help our clients ensure proper focus and attention is paid to both acute and long-term challenges.

Regular weekly or biweekly sessions focused on the current issues you are facing.

Ad Hoc Advice

As advisors who have lived in the C-suite, we recognize that critical issues eb and flow across all businesses. As situations warrant, we are always available to our clients in times of crisis and need.

Toolkit Sessions

We have built customized C-suite toolkits for the CEO and otherC-suite positions we advise. The toolkit is designed to provide a structured way to help you work on the skills you see as most important.

The entire toolkit process is designed to build on the existing skills and capabilities of the executive and their enterprise. This allows us to be as efficient as possible with our client’s valuable time and to provide the guidance and feedback needed to ensure each client’s success.

Management is, above all, a practice where art, science and craft meet.

Henry Mintzberg, Canadian Academic